jueves, 9 de diciembre de 2010

Things I Love Today.

Following the great idea of Gala Darling
I am writing my list of the things I love this week.

My new Xperia X10 Mini Mobile. It is great, smart and elegant.
The Tron plastic glass my boyfriend gave to me last night. Black and blue...
The simple act of thinking about our wedding and see the faces of happiness of our friends and family when we tell them about the news.
Waking up at 9 am :D
The idea of holidays, sleeping days, Christmas food and see my family.
The invitation to the new shop in town from Uterqüe. They said there would be champagne and chocolate!
Thinking about the Geek Girl Meet Up.
My new black shelve.
Christmas ornaments.
This song: Eisbar-Grauzone
Music Plus Zen Radio.
Cold and winter clothes.
Robyn hairstyle.

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